Recently Stephanie noticed that there something on the floor around the table. Then we noticed that it was on the chair as well. What was it?: Parmasean Cheese. Usually food on the floor isn't a problem, we simply call Daisy, our beloved Jack Russell Terrior and she takes care of it, she left the parasean cheese though. We had this discussion at the dinner table over it, more or less:
Stephanie: "What's on the floor?
me: "It's also on the seat"
Stephanie: "It's parmasean cheese, who did this?"
Katelyn: "somebody did it"
Stephanie: "do you know who this somebody is?"
Katelyn: "no, but somebody did it"
Justin: not saying anything, just laughing!
After several moments passed:
Katelyn: "well, when I shook it, the lid wasn't on good"
Yes, "somebody" did do it, and that same "somebody" helped to clean it up!
When we uploaded this picture we thought "I didn't eat the brownie"
It was from a fudge pop.
Isn't it amazing how we don't want to admit what we've done. Katelyn's not alone here. We all want to shift the blame. She got it from her mom and myself, who got it from our parents, who you guessed it, got it from their parents. Our orginal parents Adam and Eve didn't want to admit it either. Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed Satan. The fact is "we did it". The question remains: "Will we admit it?"
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