I love Football. I do. I love watching football. I love throwing football. I even love talking about football. From middle school and high school, through college and pro, I love football. There is a different atmosphere in Athens (UGA)during the fall. It's not because the leaves are changing, it's because it's football season.
At this point, you may be asking....okay, so what's the big deal? Is there anything wrong with football? No. Again, so what's the big deal? Well, sometimes we love things too much. A well-known pastor has said that when we make good things into God things it's a bad thing. I know, deep insight right? But simple as it sounds, it has profound implications. You see, when I allow my life to be consumed by anything, whether it is football, hunting, racing, tv, books, movies, music, internet, another person, or _______, I turn that thing into an idol and I worship it. Am I saying that we should isolate ourselves in the mountains somewhere and not have any contact with the world? Not at all. An old theologian has said that our hearts are idol factories. If you get rid of one idol, our heart will make another, even in isolation in the mountains.
So what am I saying?
I'm saying that we should be careful of the things in our lives that compete with our heart. The world is pulling us in different directions whether we believe it or not. We are not neutral. There's a reason why we buy certain products, they have been sold to us before we even buy them. TV, radio, newspaper and even other people can affect us in ways we do not realize. Think of the last few things you bought from a store and the last few things you watched on tv. Why did you buy/watch them?
(As a side note this is something that Justin and I talked about: every time I hear Mexican music on the radio I want chips and salsa...I'm just sayin...)
Now back to football. There are many who spend their time and money on football. They will spend a substantial amount of money on clothing and tickets and spend most of an entire day to watch 18-22 year old kids run around on grass. They will have their heart beating 100 mph waiting on a last second play to win the game. They will cry over a win or a loss of their favorite team. How do I know this? Because I am one of them. There's nothing inherently wrong with spending a day at the stadium or a whole season at the stadium for that matter. But if those actions control and compel your life and if your week is either great or horrible based on how some kids play, your love is misplaced.
So, yes, I love football. I wish the Georgia Bulldogs had a better team. I wish the Miami Dolphins still had Dan Marino at quarterback. I still will watch football on tv and in person, but after all is said and done... it's just football.
Now there's four different ways you can look at this.
1)Yep, that's me, you just described it perfectly.
2)Oh, I know those guys, they are bad guys, shame on them, I'm glad I'm not like that.
3)It's their money and time, let them do what they want, who am I to judge.
4)That's not me, allowing football to affect my life that much, but I wonder if I do the same thing in a different area of my life?
The question is not "do I love something or someone", but "who/what do I love".
Thanks again, Kris. Tomorrow I preach on Gideon tearing down idols. The biggest threat to us is not what is on the outside but what is on the inside, specifically the idols of our hearts.
ReplyDeleteI agree Ross. So many times we look out at what's wrong, instead of looking in and seeing our rebellious hearts. Many 'in the pew' often have the hardest time seeing this unfortunately.