Well, I honestly don't know how each person will respond to this. This is one of those that you are free to disagree with me on, but please seek to understand me. Because of recent conversations, the details of which I will not share, this topic has been really working hard on me.
The questions I hope to answer are: What is racism? Why does racism exist? How does it evidence itself in a daily manner? Are you a racist? What is the solution to racism?
First things first, my goal is not to talk about one race as opposed to the another, simply to point out how we deal with the issues about race. I would even argue that there is no such thing as a 'different' race. We all are related if you go back far enough. There is only one race, the human race. But there is different cultures and those cultures do have an influence on us.
Also, this post should be applicable to whatever pigment of skin that you have and from whatever background you come from. Racism is not a skin color, it is heart problem.
What is racism?
According to the dictionary, racism is: : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
I would like to take it a bit farther and possibly make it more clear. Racism is simply thinking that you are better or more deserving than someone else of a different color.
Why does racism exist?
Because of sin, mainly the sin of pride. Since sin entered the world it rears its ugly head in different ways. Looking back in history it is easy to see that the sin of racism has caused many evils in the world. We like to put ourselves on the throne and determine what is right and wrong instead of looking to the one who created us.
How has racism evidenced itself in the past?
Thinking about Hitler exterminating the Jews because he felt they were an inferior race is a perfect example of racism when carried to its natural outcome. Our own country has the terrible past of owning slaves as well. It was less than 50 years ago that blacks and whites didn't eat in the same restaurants, drink from the same water fountain or go to the same schools. I am obviously too young to have experienced those events, but there are many living today who have.
How does racism evidence itself now and are you a racist?
The Ku Klux Klan still exists in some areas. It's amazing that they have to hide cowardly behind hoods. Maybe you're not in the KKK, but I'd like to go deeper.
This is where it gets personal. If you were in a room and someone asked you to raise your hand if you are a racist would you raise your hand? Let me ask you some questions and see how you do?
1) Do you think of yourself better than someone of a different race?
2) When you checkout at a counter do you go to the person who has the same color skin as you, even if it's a little out of the way, do you avoid the employee at the counter that is of a different color or ethnic background, even if it's right in front of you?
3) When you walk into a building/classroom/restaurant, do you avoid an area because of the skin color or language spoken by those in a particular area?
4) When you are walking close to someone of a different different skin color or ethnic background do you reach for your pocketbook or wallet?
5) Would it offend you if your sister, brother, son, daughter, mom, dad, grandson, grand daughter or friend married and had children with or adopted someone of a different race?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then it's very possible that you are harboring some racism in your heart. The difference is in the degree that you carry it out. I think that with many people today they feel like they are ok as long as "they" (meaning the 'other' race) stay to themselves. That logic may work for a while, but not for long. It is mostly just an easy way to avoid the problem.
Jesus said that if you hate someone then you have committed murder in your heart. I believe this applies to a group of people as well. Are you guilty of murder?
What is the solution to racism?
If you're not offended/convicted yet, this might do it. The solution to racism is the cross of Christ. When you realize that you are utterly unworthy of acceptance before a Holy God, you will not look down on others, you will look up to God. The ground at the cross is level, there is no 'better' in God's eyes when he views the skin. We are all unworthy of Him and desperately need His Grace.
For those who profess Christ I have two more application questions:
1) If Jesus was a _______ man, would you still worship him, would anything change? (fill in the blank with an ethnic background/race different than you)
2) If you had to spend more time in heaven with someone of a different race than your own, would you still want to go?
It may look like I'm pointing the finger out to everyone else, but please be aware that I am also aware of what goes on in my heart as well. Most of the questions asked above have went through my head sometime in my lifetime. I'm ok with admitting it, repenting of it and seeking forgiveness in the cross.
I will end this with a personal story of a conversation with someone I had about 6 years ago. Again, the specifics of which ethnic group we talked about doesn't matter and they could be interchanged with another very easily. Let's say the guy's name was Barry:
Barry: "Kris, what do you think about these people marrying someone of a different race?"
me: "When you think about it Barry, we are really of the same race, the human race, we just look different, maybe listen to different music and dress a little different"
Barry: "Well I'm not racist or anything, but I just think that people should stick to their own kind, know what I mean?"
me: "I do too Barry, that's why people shouldn't be married to their cat or dog", smiling but understanding what he meant.
Barry: "Well doesn't the bible say it's wrong, something about not being unequally yoked?"
me: "Actually it's referring to a Christian and a non-Christian not being together, not different ethnic Backgrounds Barry. Let me ask you a question, you have a little girl right?"
Barry: "Yes, she's 2 years old"
me: "Ok, I'm going to give you two different options and you tell me which one you would prefer.
1) Your daughter is 19 years old and has a boyfriend who wants to marry her, he's white, drives a truck, listens to country music, and has a blue collar job. In other words, he's a lot like you. The problem is that this same guy verbally, mentally, and physically abuses your daughter.
2) Your daughter is 19 years old and has a boyfriend who wants to marry her, he treats her like a queen, takes her to church every Sunday, and promises to always treat her with respect and dignity. Oh and by the way, he's black.
Which situation would you prefer?"
Barry: "I don't know, I'll have to think about it"
That conversation actually happened. It was very sad. The person continues to think he's not a racist, what do you think?
I am very thankful that my kids are growing up in an age when everyone is free to sit in any seat on the bus, go to any restaurant they want, drink from any water fountain they want, and vote with their vote counting for a full person (not 3/5th of a person). With that being said there is still a lot of racism that goes on in the public arena and in private homes. There's a lot that goes on in the heart of a lot of people. I pray that both of my kids will view each person the same; someone made in the image of God, who has sinned against Him, and who needs God's mercy and grace.