Saturday, May 7, 2011


Tomorrow we will celebrate Mothers Day.

I wanted to take a few minutes and personally acknowledge my Mom. She has always been there for me. When it's been good and not so good, regardless of what I've done, she has been there. While this post could go on forever about all of the great things that my Mom has done for me and how great she is, I will only mention a few.

1. Little League baseball

When we lived in West Virginia, I loved baseball. I mean a lot. If I wasn't at practice or in a game I was usually collecting baseball cards or in the yard hitting rocks into the woods with a bat. When by Dad had to work, my Mom was the one driving me all over Webster County for baseball. And when I say all over, I really mean it. We weren't around the corner from the field like we were in Toccoa or in Jefferson. Usually practice or games meant either going down off a mountain and going up another. This not only took a lot of money in gas, it also took a lot of her time. She also would practice with me at our house. She did all that not because she loved baseball, but because she loved me.

2. Military

When I decided to join the military, my Mom let me make my own choices. She was not uninterested in those choices, but she knew they were my choices. She always wrote me letters (as did many others in my family) of encouragement in basic training giving me support. She would send me care packages of snacks and other stuff that she knew I would like. My face always lit up when I got those packages. It was during this time that Justin was born. She was always there for me, helping this new dad when I needed it most.

3. Justin and Katelyn

My mom loves being a grandparent. And her grandkids love her. She would keep Justin and Katelyn everyday if we asked her too. She would cancel any plans that she has in order to see her grandkids. How do I know this? Because she has. I've had to ask my Dad what's going on before I ask my Mom, because I know that she will say "there's nothing going on, bring them on over". Now, I will say that she lets them both get away with way too much stuff. She'll fix them mac & cheese and let that be their dinner along with many other "mamaw" type things. See, she gets to give them back to us after they leave her house. :)

This is only 3 of the many things that I can say about my mom. I'm sure that my brother and sisters can mention many more as well, along with the other grandkids.

I love you Mom and thank God for you!

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