Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/11, the other pilot

This Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of the day the terrorists attacked our country destroying the twin towers. I don't know where you were on that day, but our family was at Disney World in Orlando, Fl. They shut the park down for safety reasons and it was a mass exit out of the park. In the parking lot, we listened on the radio as we heard details of the events that had just taken place. We couldn't move because of the log jam in the parking lot. We just sat there....speechless. Each plane we saw in the air caused us to wonder where the plane was headed and who was piloting it. We were confronted with evil. The trip was supposed to be meaningful, but we didn't expect it would be in this way.

I'm sure you have your own story of where you were on that day, much like the Alan Jackson song "Where were you when the world stopped turning?".

The video below tells the story of the man who at one time was scheduled to be the pilot of one of the planes that went into the World Trade Center. Listening to his story takes me back to the day that it happened and the difference between the day before and the day after.

As a Christian, I can only say 'Amen' to what he says.

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