Friday, December 24, 2010

The birth of a child

I remember when both Justin and Katelyn were born. I remember thinking though the miracle of life. That a person was formed in another person and brought into this world. How amazing!

It was both exciting and scary at the same time in the delivery room. Most people usually see the cleaned up pictures of the new baby wrapped in a blanket, sleeping quietly. What they tend to forget is that it was really messy in the delivery room. Those who have been there know what I'm talking about. There's a reason why it takes a while before family and friends can see the new addition to the family. There's lots of cleaning to be done. At this point you're probably thinking, boy Kris really has gone off topic now. With tomorrow being Christmas I want us to think back through the real mess when Jesus was born.

Most know that He was born in Bethlehem in a stable/barn/manger type setting. Not exactly your sterile equipment that you see in delivery rooms. There were animals around and know what animals tend to do. The delivery room for Jesus was quite messy. But think deeper with me. This was only part of the mess. Jesus left His Father in heaven where there is no sin or evil present and perfect love is shown and came to earth where sin runs rampant, evil is seen around every corner and love is corrupted and abused. God who can not tolerate a hint of sin entered into our world. Now that's messy. Maybe you think that you don't need a God who does this, but for those whose lives are messy, Jesus has came into this mess called life. The Christmas story is not just about Him being born, it must be seen with the Cross in view. After being born, he lived a perfect life, died a perfect death, and was raised to life for those who would believe in Him, whose lives are indeed messy. We can clean the mess up after the delivery room, but there's a bigger mess that we can't clean up, our sin.

I love to think about when Justin and Katelyn were born. I continually thank God for them. If I do this for my own kids, how much more should I thank Him for His Son.

Merry Christmas!

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