Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bill Cosby and humor

Growing up we used to watch a lot of the Bill Cosby show. There were other shows that we watched as well, but not many stood the test of time. I may do a post later of shows that I watched, as I travel down memory lane. While we choose not to watch a lot of tv in our house, we do find ourselves occasionally watching re-runs of the Cosby show. It's amazing how much fun you can have with clean comedy (meaning no reference to drugs, alcohol, sexual content, offensive language, and violence). Thinking of the shows that are currently on tv, there's not much on like that anymore. I wonder why? Could it be that many people simply do not want to watch these type of shows and therefore they're not produced? Possibly. The desires in us tend to want to live 'on the edge' and we tend to be bored if those desires are not met. We would probably say that we don't want to watch shows with that kind of content, but do our actions speak otherwise? How many times do we turn the tv on just because there seems to be nothing else to do? Unfortunately, this is also the time when we turn our thinking off and allow ourselves to be 'entertained'. The reasons we choose to watch something is no longer if we can learn something or if it would be of benefit, but rather 'Is it fun?'.

I love humor. I love to laugh. I believe God loves humor too. I believe that the reason we love to laugh and love humor is because we are made in the image of God.

What is your view of humor?

Watching this clip with Bill Cosby made me think back to watching the Cosby show as a kid and also watching it with Stephanie, Justin, and Katelyn. I have no idea how old this is, but it has to be at least from the 90's. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It's ok to have fun with the south as long as you live in the South. :)

Gotta love Bill!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the Cosby show! When i was younger I would beg to stay up later to watch the cosby show. It really makes you think,we watch things because they do entertain us, but should we be watching them?
